Newport and Cardiff Based Purchaser Who have Successfully Integrated 4 Practices to Date and Take a Minimal Change Approach to Integrating Business

Up front budget: £300,000

Current turn over circa: £1,000,000

Cash offer: Up To 3.75x Recurring Income - Share Sale

Established since: 1995

Locations: Cardiff

Additional Notes:
Newport and Cardiff Based Purchaser Who have Successfully Integrated 4 Practices to Date and Take a Minimal Disturbance Approach to Integrating Business

- Client retention rate has been c.98% average on the last three IFA Practices that have been integrated with the business
- One of the factors that have led to such a higher retention is my clients approach to on-boarding new clients; there is no change to the portfolio construction, platforms or ongoing advisory charge even for the longer term.
- Handovers have varied from 1 week to 3 years, my client is very flexible on how the principal(s) is looking to work in a potential merger

A Premium offer will be available to Practices of the following profile:

. Located in the Newport, Cardiff, Swansea, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Hereford, Oxford and the Surrounding Area
. Practices between £5m-£40m Funds Under Management
. Average client size above £150,000 (preferred but not essential)

For more information please call 01765 698 699 and quote the reference number 177847